Translation is:
The process of transferring written text from one language into another.
Translation often plays a central role in the transfer of knowledge and cultural techniques between different countries and peoples.
Approaches in translation demand different aspects of the source text to be given different priorities so that the translation precisely fulfils the pre-defined requirements of the target text reader. These requirements are primarily determined on the basis of “text-external factors” such as place and time, the sender’s intention and the recipient’s expectation, conventions for certain types of texts in the target culture. Using the translated copy, you can reach out to a global audience, communicate and fulfil your end objective.
Administration Bureau is a reliable partner for private and corporate clients in the fields of justice, medicine, industry and business. As a member of the Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. (Professional Association of Interpreters and Translators in Germany BDÜ, languages German, Russian, English), as well as the Translators’ Union of Russia, we guarantee customer-oriented complete solutions.
Whether civil status documents (marriage, divorce, birth, death certificates), diplomas, identity documents (passports, driving licences, certificates, etc.), agreements of incorporation, extracts from trade commercial register, court verdicts – we provide fast, precise and reliable translations. Certified translations have a special probative value and are often required to be presented to authorities and courts.
We offer translating service of civil status documents (e.g. birth, marriage, death certificates) at a very competitive price of 35 EUR per a 1-page document. A certified translation of 1 document that consists maximum of 3 pages costs 50 EUR contact us
The personal data provided to us will only be used for the preparation of the documentation and will be irretrievably deleted in accordance with our confidentiality policy.
For documents consisting of more than 3 pages, our price is 0.15 EUR per word (an A 4 document contains approx. 500 – 600 words) contact us